Like a lot of people, I've been curious about what breed of dog the Obamas would settle on and what they would name this future first pooch. According to People, Michelle Obama says the new dog will join the family in the White House in April sometime, and will be a Portuguese Water Dog. Now, there was a time in my early twenties when I used to troll the pages on Dog Breed Info, trying to decide what the best breed would be for me, and I remember thinking positively about this breed. (I'm a sucker for bearded dogs. And those that don't shed.) Of course, I wasn't in a place in my life that could handle a dog, but it was nice to daydream.
I have to say this, though, Mrs. Obama, please do not so readily dismiss the name "Frank." It's turned out to be a great pet name, because the possible nicknames are endless. I think it would be fun if the Obama girls named the dog after a former resident of the White House. Or would that seem like they are picking favorites in history?
Also, my Frank was not pleased to learn his namesake is still considered to be the fifth worst president in history. All he can do is quote the Dude, "That's, like, your opinion man."
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